Option for control (reduce or increase) foveated encoding
bumping this as it relates to the second most upvoted canny
bob bob
yes please! foveated rendering in bonelab is hard to notice and gives major fps boost. would love to experiment with foveated rendering in vd! and would also love to be able to customise the center size, the strength of the 'falloff', where the center is placed, both on x y dimensions
Tyler Sowinski
To add on to this, it should have an option to be anamorphic if possible. For games like Pavlov and Onward (and probably a lot of other games), you don't need to look at the bottom or top of your screen super often.
The biggest issue with the current system occurs with the Quest 3, the inner thirds of each eye are affected and the outer halves of each eye appear blurrier because of it. This occurred with the Quest 2 as well but I didn't notice it much.
Fox P McCloud
Definitely support; there's some artifacts I notice near the edge, sometimes, that I'd love to get rid of.
Fox P McCloud increasing this radius will make the middle have a higher chance of artifacts. still useful if done right though